

To provide a stimulating environment and continuous support that empowers Strathmore University researchers and students to enhance national, regional and international leadership in research and graduate education in an atmosphere of freedom and responsibility.


To create a platform for Strathmore to become a leading outcome-driven university providing high quality graduate education and research

Value Statement

The values of the Office of Graduate Studies have evolved from the values of the University. Our values provide a frame of reference for making decisions. They contribute to the general atmosphere of the Office and guide in staff and student training, the pursuit of knowledge and provision of services.

Academic Freedom: The Office shall defend academic freedom of all researchers and learners in the University in the pursuit of knowledge and truth with commitment to scientific excellence based on the key principle of the University’s educational philosophy that faith and reason are not at odds with each other, but they form two complementary paths of knowledge. We shall uphold the University’s service of the whole circle of truth and knowledge and the unity between faith and reason.

Diversity within the Academic Community: The Office values the diversity of researchers and students who will be involved in its programmes. Our diversity assures that the Office is a forum for the expression, consideration and evaluation of ideas. The educational and research process in our Office is enriched and strengthened by the fact that these ideas arise and are evaluated from such diverse perspectives.

Creativity and Initiative: The Office’s progress will be enhanced by encouraging and rewarding creativity and initiative among staff and students. Initiatives undertaken by students and researchers should also demonstrate relevance and applicability to the wider society.

Excellence: The Office values excellence in its people, programmes, services and facilities. We have a responsibility to encourage and develop excellence in all these areas. We are committed to be leaders.

Results-oriented: The Office shall endeavour to promote a results-oriented culture so that there are tangible results for all initiatives undertaken. This will enhance the visibility of the office and University.

Integrity and Professionalism: The Office shall endeavour to promote integrity, ethical and professional behaviour by all individuals associated with it, especially with regard to academic honesty and protection of intellectual property. It is essential for students, faculty and the public to have trust in us and indeed the entire university.

Access to Services: The Office recognises that students and researchers will have diverse needs. As such it has an obligation to collaborate with other academic and research institutions to facilitate access to its services (for example, reviewing and publishing of research outputs, and training in specific research skills).

Quality Statement


The objective of the Office is to meet the needs of staff and students through quality teaching and research. The Office is committed to maintaining open and continuous links with researchers and graduate students; providing quality research training resulting in quality research outputs; enhancing research collaborations; and increasing research funding. The office will achieve its goals through professional delivery of its services by undertaking best practice in management and administration of its functions.

The office will ensure this by:
  • Admitting high quality graduate students
  • Acquiring and maintaining qualified, competent, highly dedicated and experienced researchers and facilitators;
  • Preparing excellent research training materials;
  • Maintaining continuous dialogue and communication with graduate students and researchers;
  • Conducting monitoring and evaluation of activities;
  • Providing for external reviews of publications, theses and dissertations;
  • Conducting annual appraisals and ranking of researches by staff and students;
  • Receiving regular feedback on customer satisfaction from researchers, students and other stakeholders.

Contact Details

Madaraka Estate
Ole Sangale Road, PO Box 59857,
00200 City Square
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: 0703-034000, 0703-034200